Thursday, June 9, 2016

Gwennie Inspired Medallion QAL

Gwennie Inspired Medallion QAL ~ Center Reveal!

Humble Quilts 

 All of those participating in the GIMQAL will be sharing their center blocks today on the link up with Lori over at Humble Quilts
Lori set the theme for the center block and the theme she chose was  baskets.You could interpret this any way you wanted; it should just be inspired by Gwen Marston’s work.

Even though I have about 3 other applique projects on the go, I couldn't resist this challenge. 
I started looking through my very old Ladies Patchwork magazines and found numerous articles written by Gwen Marston. 
This is what I have come up with...I think I'll add a bird somewhere. I also need to trim down, but will wait until I decide on the next border.
I don't know why my photo has come out pinkish - its cream fabric. 

The next theme is…

This is meant to be a very open theme to be interpreted however you like - it is your quilt!
Your childhood; your folks' childhoods; the children in your life now or back when; children of the world;
For example....
  • Anything that reminds you, in any way, of any aspect of childhood!
Thanks for dropping by


Sharon said...

Your block looks very "Gwennie"! Funny, I have a pile of old Ladies Patchwork magazines too. I saved them just for Gwen's articles! (I've even moved them to my new house, and magazines are heavy!) Glad you joined in on the QAL!

Sandi said...

Love your dropping petals. I had planned to have at least one on my tulip basket. I may have to go and it or maybe more.

Have fun with the next go around.

Kyle said...

Great improv basket and flowers especially with the falling petals. It's been interesting to see everyone's interpretation. The next round seems challenging. Have fun.

Karen said...

I like the falling leaves in your basket design.

Cathy said...

I am so glad you joined in on the fun. I love your block. It has been so much fun seeing all the different blocks. I can't wait to see what everyone does for the 2nd round. Hugs

Lori said...

What a sweet block. I waited to trim mine as well.

Nancy said...

I love you how added the gold/tan/orange leaves falling from the plant. What a great addition to a beautiful block.
--Nancy. (ndmessier @,

Raewyn said...

HI Sue, you have made a beautiful start, I love the falling petals. I'll be interested to see what you come up with next :-) I'm inspired to join in this (albeit a little late) after seeing this and others online ...although I can see already that the first border will have me stumped!

Cynthia@wabi-sabi-quilts said...

Pretty block - The falling petals lend a sort of sweet melancholy tone.

Danice G said...

Very pretty block. The falling leaves are a nice addition.