Friday, April 15, 2016

Playing Catch up

This year I decided not to make a large quilt, that needed umpteen hours spent on it, but to make smaller projects. Well, I’m not sure how small they’ll end up, but I signed up for at least 3 online BOM’s and a doll quilt swap with some girls in USA.

One of the BOM’s is Sarah Feilke’s ‘Happy Days’.

I am really enjoying this project, as its sort of modern, which I haven’t done much of. 20160210_152210 1_thumb[1]

You’ll see I have made 2 versions of the same block, as I decided the lighter one, may be too light for me, so it may go on the back of the quilt. My colours are greys/blacks on the background and a mixture of bright colours for the applique.

Three of these20160415_092507_thumb[2]blocks are only basted, and I have 12 more stars to do to catch up.

I now have to do some prepping for my 1857 Sampler Quilt blocks. I have only managed 8 of these blocks so far, and am way behind. I am really enjoying sitting and hand appliqueing these BOM’s in the evenings.

This BOM is so totally different, but alot of fun.


You can find the BOM on Sentimental Stitches

Thanks for dropping by



Leeanne said...

I quite fancy the darker version, the applique blocks are nice. happy weekend to you.

Kyle said...

Love what you've been working on. I have to keep reminding myself when i'm working on BOM's is that it gets done when It gets done. Otherwise it's too easy to let the pressure of keeping up squelch the FUN.

Linda @ kokaquilts said...

Love these blocks all together, your darker colour combo is great!

Raewyn said...

Gorgeous projects, Sue. The dark and the light blocks look great together!! With winter just around the corner you are bound to have time for catching up on those BOMs :-)

Nancy said...

Looks like we are involved in the same two BOM
I like the way you have mixed the blacks and grays in your Happy Days. I wish I had thought of that, mine is so dark.

Gretchen Weaver said...

Did you finish your 1857 quilt? I often think of starting this quilt but just don't get around to it, too many other projects!