I am piecing the border for my Nearly Insane Quilt and have taken a photo of what I have done so far. Not sure whether to have a cream border in as well, but I think looking at the photo I like that version best, even though my zigzag border almost finishes the correct size to the rest of the quilt - give or take 1/2". If I add the cream I will have to work out the maths for it! The original quilt doesn't have the extra border, only a wider border after the zigzag.
Sorry my photos are a bit on the dark side, but its a funny Autumn day here - raining and then sunshine, and we have veranda's around our house, which darkens inside.
I've also gotten onto the 'Stars in a time Warp' quiltalong on the Civil War Blog
Because I jumped in well after it started, I am making my stars in what ever color I find at the time, but trying to keep in with what they are doing on the blog, so my colors are a bit out of order!
Yesterday I was thrilled to receive this trophy for 'Viewers Choice' for
'Mrs Billings Returns' from The Western Quilters Show that I entered last month.
Unfortunately I don't have a photo of the quilt with the trophy as yet, but I'll work on that and see if I can hang my quilt some-where and get a photo taken.

Thanks for dropping by
Sorry my photos are a bit on the dark side, but its a funny Autumn day here - raining and then sunshine, and we have veranda's around our house, which darkens inside.
I've also gotten onto the 'Stars in a time Warp' quiltalong on the Civil War Blog
Yesterday I was thrilled to receive this trophy for 'Viewers Choice' for
'Mrs Billings Returns' from The Western Quilters Show that I entered last month.
Unfortunately I don't have a photo of the quilt with the trophy as yet, but I'll work on that and see if I can hang my quilt some-where and get a photo taken.

Thanks for dropping by
It's a lovely border and intricate. You must have so much patience but it's worth it. Looks great :)
Congratulations on your Viewer's Choice award. Your Mrs. Billing's Returns is beautiful.
Well done on your trophy for "Viewers Choice" do you get to keep it or do you have to return it?
I like the cream border too, I think it gives a nice break from all the piecing and shows off the zigzag border nicely.
Congrats on your trophy--your Mrs. Billings is gorgeous! I think you are right about the cream inner border--it sets off those zigzags nicely--another great quilt!
Congratulations on your award. I love your nearly insane quilt, I would never have the patience to do something like that. Go for the cream border.
Clearly, your "Nearly Insane" quilt hasn't driven you over the edge yet. What an incredible quilt! I prefer the additional light border too.
COngratulations on your Mrs Billings win - a beautiful quilt! I'd love to see it in person one day!! I like the cream border too.
I too would probably include the cream border. Ah, I voted for your Mrs Billings quilt... congratulations, it was spectacular!
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