Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Taking a breather from….

my cursed office work – namely my GST return. I spent most of yesterday afternoon on it, and when it didn’t balance, I checked every entry – 3 times - still no good. By this time about 3 hours had passed and I was getting one of those “STRESS” headaches.
I decided enough for the day, so left the office, and went down to the house and sewed a very easy Nearly Insane block. Amazing how the headache went and I forgot all about the GST.
Sometime very early this morning when the wind outside forced me to get out of bed and close the window, I decided I would delete all yesterdays work and start again, which I did, and now alls good! 
So, I can show you all the blocks I have made in the last couple of weeks.
This was the nice easy one I did after a stressful day.

Block 13

Block 7
Cut one piece a bit short at the bottom, but I’ll have enough to fudged it when sewing together.

Block 7 - Nearly Insane
Block 26

Nice and Easy
 Block 26 - Nearly Insane

Block 36

I never noticed until now that two of the green diamonds go the wrong way. Grr! 
Or are they?

Block 36 - Nearly Insane

Block 42

This was an absolute pain to do as I kept sewing the strips together the wrong way around. I didn’t just do it once, but at least 3 times. Then after piecing the centre I had the two vertical rows of geese going away from the centre instead of towards it. Ah well….
 Block 42 - Nearly Insane

Block 66      
I really like this block.
 Block 66 - Nearly Insane

Block 60 –
Another nice one. I’m trying to have my colours not too drab.

 Block 60 - Nearly Insane

Block 48
This one is a bit different. Some of the blocks are so easy, and some are very difficult.

Block 48 - Nearly Insane

Block 54

I really like the star blocks. I think they are my favourite.

 Block 54 - Nearly Insane
 Thanks for dropping by
My signature


Julie said...

I always found leaving it for the cleaners always worked for me when I worked in an accounts department! Love your blocks, they look fabulous!

Frances Leate said...

Great looking blocks Sue and I am glad I am not the only one who sews pieces the wrong way around several times!!! There is no doubt about it some days you are not meant to do a particular job while the next day it all works fine. Take care.

Merilyn said...

Your blocks are wonderful Sue, I always enjoy seeing them, such intricate designs, lovely work!!!!

FlourishingPalms said...

Very pretty blocks, Sue. You're accumulating quite a collection of them. I think in block 36 you actually have four triangles pointed the wrong way... but you really have to study the block to find them!