Friday, September 23, 2011

Spent a very enjoyable day….

with 12 friends, doing a One Block Wonder Quilt. This is an amazing quilt to make, as every-ones fabric turned out totally different blocks, from what you would think. My fabric was as below. I was a little apprehensive as I thought it was probably too dark. I think it would have been better with more  black background. This fabric turned out to be a bit tricky as there was no repeat across the fabric with which to line up the ruler for cutting.There is a 24" repeat going down the fabric.IMG_2492 IMG_2508 These have not yet been sewn together. They are just placed on a flannel wall. I have lots  more to make yet.
I photographed some of the other class participants blocks.
IMG_2497 IMG_2498

  IMG_2509  IMG_2505  IMG_2507 IMG_2503
As you can see there was a wide variety of fabrics. Every-one thoroughly enjoyed the class, and as soon as I get some photos of the finished tops I’ll post them.
Thanks for dropping by
My signature


Merilyn said...

Lovely blocks Sue!! Just right for the beginning of Spring!!

FlourishingPalms said...

I've previously seen quilts made like these and would agree that the variety of designs is infinite with every quilt having distinctive emerging patterns. Yours is very pretty, and it's nice to see all the other ones too. It makes me wonder if it's difficult to make a light-colored quilt. One doesn't find many repeating prints in values other than medium and dark. Did you find this to be the case in your class?

LuAnn said...

Hi Sue I just love your blocks. The One BLock Wonder quilt is on my list of quilts to do someday. Have you ever seen Bruce Seeds quilts? This is the link or you can google him. All of his quilts are from this pattern, and they are gorgeous. Can't wait to see your finished quilt.

Pip said...

I've been looking at these one-block wonder quilts and have it on my to-do list, I will be making sure to select a fabric that has a repeat going across the fabric, to make it that little bit easier. Who would have thought that you could get such different blocks from one piece of fabric.

Julie said...

WOW! These blocks are stunning! I can't wait to see more of yours.

Kayjay said...

I love Kalidoscope Quilts. I have the same book and one cut out ready to put the blocks together. I made a few mistakes first time around but can't wait to try again.